How to avoid contracting coronavirus during dental treatment?
How to avoid contracting coronavirus during dental treatment?

In the midst of the pandemic, many of us are concerned about whether it is safe to seek medical help without an urgent need or whether it is better to wait until the virus recedes. Among other things, doubts arise about visits to the dentist - even with severe toothache, some patients prefer to save themselves with folk remedies and tolerate discomfort, so as not to violate the regime of self-isolation. Preventive examinations, professional hygiene, as well as aesthetic procedures, such as teeth whitening, are postponed until better, safer times. However, is the fear of contracting the coronavirus during dental treatment justified? Let's find out.


The condition of teeth depends not only on their care, but also on what one eats and what water one drinks. Lack of vitamins and microelements can lead to various diseases. However, as well as their excess. For example, an excess of fluoride in the body causes dental fluorosis, which affects the enamel and eventually the bone tissue.

Contraindications for implantation
Contraindications for implantation

Implantation is a modern way of restoring a lost tooth. Implant placement is a surgery, so like any surgical intervention, it has contraindications. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Bleeding gums - causes and treatment
Bleeding gums - causes and treatment

Bleeding gums are one of the most common and unpleasant symptoms of several oral diseases. It not only causes discomfort in everyday life, but can also cause significant damage to health if you do not seek treatment from a dentist in time.

Which toothbrush to choose
Which toothbrush to choose

A good toothbrush saves you from bad breath, plaque and traces of a night snack. And it also makes it harder for caries to get to your teeth. But to do this, you need to choose the right toothbrush and use it at least once a day. How? Let's tell you now.

What to do if the filling falls out of the tooth
What to do if the filling falls out of the tooth
Silvering of teeth
Silvering of teeth

It is absolutely necessary to monitor children's teeth. They require increased attention. Baby teeth are very fragile and thin, which means that caries develops on them quickly.

If the child has even a small dark spot on the enamel, it is worth contacting the dentist immediately. In this article, we will consider ways to eliminate and prevent caries in children. To begin with, let's figure out: why is it so important to preserve the health of baby teeth?

Hypersensitivity of teeth – causes and treatment
Hypersensitivity of teeth – causes and treatment

If the use of certain foods, for example, cold or hot food and drinks, causes you discomfort, then most likely you suffer from hyperesthesia, or in other words, hypersensitivity of the teeth.


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