How to take care of your mouth
How to take care of your mouth

Full-fledged dental care means regular visits to the dentist and home procedures. We will tell you why it is so important to go to the doctor in time, what oral procedures he performs and how to maintain a high level of dental health yourself.

Pulpitis: symptoms and treatment
Pulpitis: symptoms and treatment

Pulpitis is one of the most unpleasant dental diseases that often results from untreated tooth decay. Inflammation of the nerve can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. We'll tell you how to save a tooth, and also consider whether a "dead tooth" can perform its functions.

How to eliminate bad breath?
How to eliminate bad breath?

Morning stale breath is quite common and disappears after you brush your teeth, but what can you do if bad breath keeps coming back? Halitosis (as dentists call persistent breath odor) indicates problems with hygiene and indicates the development of various diseases. Let's take a closer look at the causes and ways to combat this problem.

Gum inflammation: symptoms, causes, treatment
Gum inflammation: symptoms, causes, treatment

Why does gum inflammation occur? What do the initial symptoms of periodontal diseases look like and how to deal with all this? We will tell you about all this in this article, so that you will notice the first signs of the disease in time and immediately begin treatment.

Dental treatment during pregnancy
Dental treatment during pregnancy

There are many misconceptions about dental treatment for pregnant women. Many women are sure that it is in no way possible to treat teeth while in an interesting position. We will disprove this myth and tell you in detail when it is better to treat teeth, as well as whether x-rays and anesthesia are harmful to the health of expectant mothers.

Black teeth: why do they get darker and how to deal with it?
Black teeth: why do they get darker and how to deal with it?

The color and texture of our teeth depend entirely on how we care for them, how we eat and how well we monitor their condition. If your tooth has suddenly darkened, but there is no pain, then you need to look for the cause. In this article, we will tell you in detail what to do if your teeth turn black.

Why we grind our teeth and how to solve this problem
Why we grind our teeth and how to solve this problem

Someone who grinds his teeth in his sleep, causes a lot of inconvenience to himself and others. But it is not terrible if it happens occasionally. If the attacks of teeth grinding begin to repeat more and more often, causing damage to health, then this situation requires immediate medical intervention. Why children and adults grind their teeth and how to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, we will tell you in our article.

Which dentures are best for restoring a large number of teeth
Which dentures are best for restoring a large number of teeth

Complete or partial adentia is a real problem, because the loss of teeth not only makes you uncomfortable when interacting with others, but also has a great impact on your health. Even if you are missing a large number of teeth, you can restore the aesthetics and functionality of your dentition. And we will tell you why you need to recreate your teeth and what techniques are available.

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