What is a sinus lift and how it is useful for implantation
What is a sinus lift and how it is useful for implantation

A sinus elevator is a surgery that helps to build up bone for implant placement. This type of bone grafting differs in that it is performed only for the upper jaw. We will tell you about all the subtleties of the procedure and why it is necessary to increase the volume of bone.

What is a dental implant
What is a dental implant

Many people are convinced that an implant, or as dentists say, an implant, is a pre-made prosthetic tooth with a root. But this is not entirely true. Implantation is not an easy process, but the result is worth it. It is by far the most effective way to restore lost teeth.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning: why everyone needs it
Ultrasonic teeth cleaning: why everyone needs it

Thorough oral hygiene at home ensures that soft plaque from food is removed from your teeth. But what about those hard-to-reach places where food particles get clogged up every day? Believe me, even the best quality and most expensive toothpastes, brushes, rinses and flosses can't remove tartar.

Removable dentures are a temporary solution to dental problems
Removable dentures are a temporary solution to dental problems

New generation dentures are definitely better in quality and aesthetics than their outdated predecessors, but they still create difficulties for patients that not everyone can overcome. We will tell you why a removable, artificial jaw is nothing more than a temporary solution to the problem of partial or complete absence of teeth.

Put braces on one tooth: truth or fiction
Put braces on one tooth: truth or fiction

When a person has an abnormal bite and their teeth grow crooked, everyone knows what to do about it: get a bracket. "But if the problem is minor, for example, only one canine protrudes, why put the system on the whole tooth row?" - you ask.

How to keep your teeth white for a long time
How to keep your teeth white for a long time

Your dream of a snow-white smile has finally become a reality! And for this you have made a lot of efforts: you have spent a lot of personal time, considerable money, treated caries, put fillings, polished and strengthened the enamel, spent more than one hour in the dentist's chair - and here you are the happy owner of dazzling white and healthy teeth.

What to do if the tooth hurts after filling
What to do if the tooth hurts after filling

When you go to the dentist, you naturally want to receive quality care so that the tooth does not bother you in the future. However, there are cases when the tooth hurts after filling. Why this happens and what to do in this situation, we will tell you in detail in this article.

Tartar (dental calculus): what everyone should know
Tartar (dental calculus): what everyone should know

We all want to have a beautiful, snow-white smile. But, according to statistics, many of us spend no more than 40 seconds even for elementary brushing of teeth. But during the day, we drink strong coffee and sweets without restrictions and have light snacks without thinking about the consequences for our health.

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