Black teeth: why do they get darker and how to deal with it?

Table of contents
  1. Why teeth turn black - common causes
  2. Black teeth in children
  3. Darkening of teeth in children can occur for the following reasons:
  4. Treatment of black teeth
  5. Treatment options for black teeth
  6. What can be done with black teeth at home?

The color and texture of our teeth depend entirely on how we care for them, how we eat and how well we monitor their condition. If your tooth has suddenly darkened, but there is no pain, then you need to look for the cause. In this article, we will tell you in detail what to do if your teeth turn black.

Why teeth turn black - common causes

First, you need to figure out exactly how the tooth is turning black. This is very easy to determine. Carefully examine your smile, if the teeth are unevenly colored and darkening comes only from the top, like a film, then it is a stained plaque that you were unable to remove during cleaning.

If any tooth is darkened from the inside and is different in color from the others, it is a signal of the development of secondary decay under an old filling or problems after earlier treatment of the canals. Now let's look at each cause in more detail.

  • Tea, coffee and cigarettes. The main enemies of a snow-white smile are strong colorants. Strong tea and coffee have the most powerful staining effect. Teeth also quickly turn yellow and become covered with a thick black-brown plaque when you abuse cigarettes. If you smoke a lot and only drink strong coffee and tea, you will have to work hard to keep your smile white. Ideally, you should quit smoking and limit your intake of tea and coffee.
  • Tooth Injuries. If the tooth is damaged, internal bleeding or nerve death is possible, the tooth will be black inside, so you can change its color only after thorough treatment of the canals, and in case of severe darkening intracanal whitening will help.
  • Poor-quality fillings and removed nerve. If after installing a filling, a dark rim appeared around it, then it urgently needs to be changed, because the tightness of the connection is broken. Darkening of the tooth after the removal of the nerve - quite natural, it stops receiving nutrition, it acquires a grayish shade.

Causes of black teeth

Black plaque on your teeth not only ruins your smile, but it can also cause tooth decay if you don't correct the situation. Want your teeth to always be white and healthy? Visit your dentist regularly and you'll never know toothaches, black plaque, and other unpleasantness.

Black teeth in children

Black teeth in adults are quite understandable, but the darkening of a baby's teeth confuses parents. A young child's teeth can also darken, even if you're careful about their hygiene and your child doesn't have any chronic diseases. Dark spots and dots on baby teeth require attention, as permanent teeth can suffer later if left untreated.

If you notice dark stripes on your child's teeth near the gum, this is the so-called Priestley's plaque. Its appearance is related to the development of the digestive system and passes with age. However, a consultation with a pediatric dentist will not hurt.

Darkening of teeth in children can occur for the following reasons:

  • microbial biofilm
  • early caries
  • dysbacteriosis
  • calcium deficiency
  • genetic predisposition
  • Improper diet (plenty of sweets, sodas)

Dark teeth in children

The main reason for the appearance of black plaque and caries in childhood is improper nutrition. Not only people love sweets, but also germs.

Sweet food negatively affects the state of enamel, such products lead to the appearance of a dense microbial film. Of course, you can not completely refuse the child in candy, but you need to control it.

Black teeth in a child - a signal to visit the dentist. It is necessary to take the child to a preventive examination, as diseases of teeth, gums and various pathologies at this age develop much faster than in adults.

Treatment of black teeth

You still decided not to ignore the problem and make an appointment with the dentist? Then at your first appointment, tell him absolutely everything about your health, lifestyle, and bad habits so that the dentist can determine the cause of black plaque on your teeth as accurately as possible.

When teeth turn black after nerve removal, due to tooth decay or other disease, treatment and restoration of the tooth is required. Our dentists always try to save even a hopeless tooth. If the front teeth are blackened, their beauty can be restored with veneers, and chewing teeth are restored with inlays or crowns (discolored teeth are more often restored with crowns).

Treatment of black teeth

The method of treatment is chosen strictly individually depending on the cause and the general condition of the mouth.

Treatment options for black teeth

  • If black streaks or stains appear on the teeth due to improper care, professional hygiene is prescribed. In our clinic you can book an appointment for a "denticure", your teeth will be free of plaque and your smile will be attractive again
  • If your teeth are blackened due to food dyes, professional or home whitening, using special pastes and eliminating colorful foods from your daily menu can help.
  • If your teeth have turned black due to tooth decay, then you need a sanitation with further restoration of the tooth and preventive procedures to strengthen your teeth. No dentist will remove black teeth without understanding the cause.

To ensure that your teeth are always white and healthy and you never know what black plaque and toothaches are, you need to take proper and thorough care of your mouth. Consult a dentist who can teach you how to brush your teeth properly, select a brush and toothpaste, and tell you what you need to pay special attention to.

Ways to treat black teeth

What can be done with black teeth at home?

Changing the shade of your teeth will help with proper hygiene, as well as limiting the consumption of coffee, tea, cigarettes and other colorful products. Brush your teeth regularly, use additional means of oral hygiene (rinses, irrigator, floss), and your smile will be transformed. But the result, of course, will be much weaker than with professional hygiene and whitening.

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