
Table of contents
  1. What is fluorosis
  2. Causes of fluorosis
  3. Symptoms of fluorosis
  4. Forms of fluorosis
  5. Fluorosis in children
  6. Diagnosis
  7. Treatment of fluorosis
  8. Prevention of fluorosis

The condition of teeth depends not only on their care, but also on what one eats and what water one drinks. Lack of vitamins and microelements can lead to various diseases. However, as well as their excess. For example, an excess of fluoride in the body causes dental fluorosis, which affects the enamel and eventually the bone tissue.

What is fluorosis

Due to an increased concentration of fluoride in the body, white or brown spots appear on the outside of the teeth. Typically, the first person to diagnose fluorosis in children is a pediatrician, not a dentist.

Causes of fluorosis

  • Drinking water with an overabundance of fluoride. In certain regions of Russia (especially in the southern regions) in drinking water sources there is an excess of fluoride.
  • Taking certain medications. Occurrence of the disease as a side effect of taking medications.
  • Toothpaste that is not age appropriate. Children should not brush their baby teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride, which is intended for adults.

It is believed that to date, the causes of dental fluorosis are sufficiently studied. They were first talked about in the early XX century by Italian doctors. They suggested that the appearance of white spots on the teeth may have been caused by volcanic dust. For the first time, the symptoms of fluorosis were officially recorded in 1931 by American scientists Smith and Churchill. They also described the mechanism by which the body is exposed to a large dose of fluoride, resulting in fluorosis of the teeth and bones.


Symptoms of fluorosis

The first sign of the disease is the appearance of whitish streaks on the enamel of teeth in children and adults. In a mild form, single chalky spots or dots are observed. All this should be a signal to contact a specialist. The earlier you start treating fluorosis, the less damage will be done to the body.

Forms of fluorosis

  • Shading. Chalky streaks form on the teeth in the form of dashes, especially noticeable on the upper incisors and canines.
  • Spotted. Occurrence of multiple white spots or one large chalky spot.
  • Chalky mottled. Small spots appear on all teeth where the enamel becomes matte and brittle.
  • Erosive. Severe pigmentation of the enamel and chipping of the enamel, which causes pain when eating.
  • Destructive. The protective layer is almost completely destroyed, which can lead to tooth loss as early as childhood.

Fluorosis in children

Due to physiological features of development, children are at risk. Over saturation of fluoride in the immature body leads to the replacement of calcium in the enamel of teeth, which leads to the development of fluorosis, from which the teeth become weak and brittle.

For adults, the norm of fluoride content in drinking water is no more than 6 mg per liter, for a child - below 1 mg. Exceeding these indicators leads to the development of pathologies not only enamel, but also bones.



To study dental fluorosis, differentiated diagnosis is carried out, since the disease
at a certain stage has similar symptoms with others. For example, with caries in the initial form.
However, in this case, the stains are small and stained. Whereas in the case of fluorosis, this does not happen: the spots are not colored and are located chaotically.

For adults, the norm of fluoride in drinking water is no more than 6 mg per liter, for a child - below 1 mg. Exceeding these indicators leads to the development of pathologies not only enamel, but also bones.

Treatment of fluorosis

  • Remineralization. To normalize the level of vitamins and minerals in dental tissues, special compositions are applied to the enamel.
  • Bleaching. This method of restoring enamel is effective only at the initial stage of the disease - with a streaky and stained form.
  • Restoration. The doctor recreates the shape of the teeth with composite materials, veneers or lumineers. Or a crown is placed on the tooth.

The specialist chooses the method of treatment depending on the form of the disease and the degree of destruction of teeth.


Prevention of fluorosis

In regions where the water is saturated with fluoride, experts recommend drinking high-quality water passed through special filters, daily consumption of milk, fresh fruits and vegetables. It is worth avoiding toothpastes with high fluoride content.

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