Is it possible not to remove wisdom teeth when installing braces?


Wisdom teeth or "eights" cause a lot of inconvenience – let's start with the fact that they are the last to erupt, already at a relatively adult age (usually up to 25 years). This process is often accompanied by painful sensations, inflammation of the gums, damage to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

From a functional point of view, we no longer need wisdom teeth, previously with their help our ancestors chewed hard, coarse food present in the daily diet, and now it's just a vestige. Therefore, patients often face the question: is it not better to remove wisdom teeth than to endure discomfort? And this is especially true for those who are planning orthodontic treatment.

How are braces and wisdom teeth related

One of the probable reasons for the need to install a bracket system is the lack of space on the jaw for a full set of teeth. The fact is that previously the size of a person's jaw was larger, including due to lifestyle and nutrition, and now the jaw has become smaller, so the teeth simply do not fit on it, there may be crowding of the dentition. It does not look too aesthetically pleasing, causes complexes, and also provokes a number of dental diseases due to difficulties with hygiene. Alternatively, teeth that do not fit may begin to protrude forward, also forming an incorrect bite. These problems are solved by installing braces, but the orthodontist will invariably face the question of whether to remove wisdom teeth before starting treatment or leave them.

Is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth when installing braces

Actually, no. If the teeth have already erupted completely and at the same time they are healthy, not affected by caries or other dental diseases, do not interfere with neighboring teeth, then removal is not necessary. It is important that the malocclusion, which orthodontic treatment is designed to correct, does not arise because of problems with wisdom teeth. In any case, the final decision is made by the doctor after the initial examination and diagnosis.

If the removal of wisdom teeth is still necessary, then it is performed by a surgeon before starting treatment. As a rule, the "eights" are removed in pairs so as not to break the symmetry of the face. If there are indications, it is not recommended to neglect the removal procedure, since after installing braces, mechanical action, of course, will help to align the dentition, but over time the teeth may shift again and take up their former positions.

Does it hurt to remove a wisdom tooth

The removal is carried out using a piezoscalpel – the latest device operating on the basis of ultrasonic vibrations. The piezoscalpel affects only the hard tissues of the tooth, while it does not affect the soft ones, which significantly reduces discomfort and minimizes the possibility of injury. This applies even to complex cases – for example, wisdom teeth on the lower jaw, where the bone is much denser, or "recumbent eights" that grow horizontally and press on adjacent teeth.

In addition, patients can always use modern and safe anesthesia so that the removal takes place with maximum comfort. There are several options for an anesthetic, the most suitable one is selected by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.


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