A fistula or a lump on the gum

Table of contents
  1. Causes of fistula
  2. Possible complications if the fistula is not treated
  3. Treatment of a fistula or a lump on the gum
  4. Prevention of the appearance of a fistula

Unfortunately, many of us are used to not paying much attention to problems with the gums, which occur quite often and at the same time bring significant discomfort. Nevertheless, it is important to visit a dentist in time when the gums are just beginning to bother.

We have already talked about bleeding gums earlier, and now we want to talk about what to do if you have a fistula or, more simply, a lump on the gum.

Causes of fistula

The exact cause of the fistula can only be determined by a specialist. As a rule, insufficient oral hygiene and concomitant diseases (for example, caries or pulpitis) lead to the inflammatory process, which causes bacteria to multiply in the oral cavity. As a result, purulent fluid accumulates in the soft tissues of the gum, and then a hole is formed for its exit (a perforating channel). Externally, the fistula looks like a red lump with a white dot in the center or side, and its size depends on the amount of pus and the scale of inflammation.

Another possible cause of the appearance of a fistula may be mechanical damage to the gums – for example, during trauma or surgical manipulations. A fistula can occur if the crown is not installed correctly and bacteria accumulate under it. Also, bumps often appear when wisdom teeth cannot erupt.

Possible complications if the fistula is not treated

Usually, the appearance of a fistula bothers the patient when the gums begin to hurt and swell, it is difficult to eat and daily oral hygiene. In a neglected state, a strong bad breath appears, lymph nodes may become inflamed and the temperature may rise. If you do not start treatment in this case, then among the likely complications are loosening and loss of teeth, sinusitis, the appearance of cysts and even destruction of the jaw.

Of course, it is better not to bring it to such a state, otherwise the treatment will be delayed for a long time and will cost a significant amount. If you notice a swelling or a lump on the gum – do not hesitate with the examination!

Treatment of a fistula or a lump on the gum

Depending on the stage of the disease, the treatment prescribed by the dentist may be conservative or surgical.

If there are no complications yet and the tooth can be preserved, then the abscess is cleaned, the doctor removes inflammation with the help of antibiotics and external treatment of gum tissue, and then repairs the damage. As a further treatment, rinses and physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

With a severe form of the disease, only surgical intervention will help. The doctor may suggest:

  • Open the abscess and clean it to prevent the spread of infection;
  • Perform resection of the tooth root;
  • Remove the tooth above the fistula (as a last resort, if it is already impossible to save it)

Prevention of the appearance of a fistula

In order to prevent the appearance of bumps and ulcers, you need to follow a few simple rules: thoroughly brush your teeth 2 times a day, do not neglect professional hygiene, treat caries in time, monitor nutrition and avoid bad habits (for example, smoking and excessive consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages). It is also important to avoid the appearance of injuries in the oral cavity.

Remember that any painkillers, and even more so folk methods, at best, will only relieve symptoms, but will not solve the problem – the doctor must find the cause in order to choose the optimal treatment, prevent complications and relapse of the disease in the future.

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