A toothache always occurs suddenly, interferes with your plans, and brings turmoil into your life. Let's try to understand what causes it, how to calm the aching tooth, when it is impossible to visit a dentist and in which cases you should not delay going to the clinic.
Why do my teeth hurt?
Our bodies use pain to signal a problem. When you see a dentist, you need to describe your sensations as accurately as possible, as diseases are initially determined by the nature of the pain.
So, let's start with the simplest one. You have noticed that your teeth react painfully to cold, hot, sour, brushing your teeth, as well as when you go outside and breathe in cold air. Most likely, the enamel structure is compromised. Such pain occurs only for a few seconds and quickly disappears.
It can be caused by:
- cracks, chips and scuffs.
- enamel thinning
- increased sensitivity of enamel
The situation can be corrected with the help of a special procedure - remineralization. It will help to restore the structure of enamel by saturating it with useful substances. It is also worth replacing the usual toothpaste with a special toothpaste with increased calcium or fluoride content. Consult your dentist and he or she will tell you the best course of action.
What else causes toothache?
Sometimes the tooth hurts with diseases of neighboring organs. Painful sensations appear in such cases:
- inflammation of the ear, throat and nose
- temporomandibular joint injuries
- trauma to the cervical spine
In fact, the pain simply "gives" in the tooth, but because of the high sensitivity of soft tissues, it seems that it comes from the root of the tooth or gum.
There are situations when a patient comes to the dentist and complains about a perfectly healthy tooth - this is already psychosomatic. Unpleasant sensations can appear due to severe stress, lack of sleep, overload.
Pain in dental diseases
In the vast majority of cases, the tooth bothers because of caries, its complications and some other diseases. The nature of the ailment depends on which tooth is bothering you: upper, lower or wisdom tooth.
Toothache can be:
- acute
- constant
- attack-like
- throbbing
As we have already said, the nature of the pain indicates a particular disease. If you feel a sharp, sharp "tingling" in the tooth when eating, but the unpleasant sensation disappeared as soon as you remove the stimulus - it indicates tooth decay. When the pain increases in the evening, and you are tormented by attacks all night, it is a sure sign of inflammation of the nerve of the tooth.
Intolerable, throbbing toothache, worsening of the general condition, fever, swelling of the gum near the bothering tooth indicate periodontitis. This disease requires immediate examination by a specialist.
When unpleasant sensations are accompanied by swelling of the gums or cheeks, it is possible serious inflammation of the gum (periodontitis). In such a situation, you should immediately make an appointment with a dentist, as periodontitis leads to tooth loss.
What should I do when I have a toothache?
You were quietly doing your business, but suddenly you are pierced by the strongest pain and you do not know how to get rid of it. If the tooth "whined" while brushing or eating, then immediately remove the irritant and rinse your mouth with water. Pay special attention to the bothering tooth, as you need to get rid of food residue and toothpaste.
What to do in case of a sharp toothache?
- Memorize the approximate time it took for the tooth to settle down.
- Look for damage to the tooth, swelling of the gum or cheek.
- Make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible
If your child's tooth hurts, you should proceed with caution and make an appointment with the dentist sooner, as only he or she will be able to correctly identify the cause of the pain and treat it. You can relieve your child's suffering by applying a cold compress to the cheek, on the side of the sore tooth.
Can a tooth hurt after treatment?
You have visited the dentist, undergone treatment, but when you came home, the tooth hurt again. Do not panic, unpleasant sensations after treatment can last from 1 to 3 days.
A tooth can hurt after:
- treatment and filling of canals
- nerve removal
In both cases, you have undergone not the simplest operations, so pain is quite a natural reaction of tissues to the intervention. The main criterion in this case is that the strength of the pain is descending: it hurt a lot, then less, and sometimes you do not notice how it passed . If the pain does not subside, but increases - this is a reason to reapply to the clinic.
Pain after tooth extraction is also quite normal. Swollen cheek or swollen gum? There is nothing to worry about, because even with the most careful extraction of the root, the surrounding tissues are damaged, albeit slightly. The discomfort will gradually go away as the hole heals.
How to get rid of toothache at home?
A aching tooth will not let you quietly go about your business. What to do in this situation, especially if it is not possible to visit the dentist in the near future?
The easiest way out is to drink pills. Any, not too strong anesthetic will do, take it according to the instructions on the package.
Anesthetics only relieve the symptoms of the disease, and only for a short time. Do not get addicted to anesthetics, as they weaken the effect of anesthesia, which may be necessary for treatment in the clinic.
To get rid of toothache at home will help and folk methods. The surest way to pacify the tooth is a gargle.
To do this, you can use:
- solution of soda with a few drops of iodine
- salt solution (it is better to use sea salt)
- decoctions of sage, chamomile, yarrow, mint, melissa, St. John's wort
- alcoholic beverages and tinctures diluted with water.
From toothache can help impact on certain points. This method will also help when you do not have the opportunity to take medicine or prepare a healing infusion. You need to press on the acupuncture points, according to all the rules of this ancient Chinese direction on special places put needles, but you do not need them.
Clench your teeth tightly and massage the protruding tubercles with your thumbs. You can also rub the place between the thumb and forefinger, the point between the upper lip and nose.
Folk methods will relieve toothache only for a short period of time, so visit the dentist at the first opportunity.
When should I see a dentist?
To ensure that your teeth are always healthy and the likelihood of sudden pain is as low as possible, you should visit the dentist regularly for preventive checkups. In addition, you should have a professional oral hygiene twice a year to remove soft and hard plaque, as it is the cause of cavities and other diseases.
If you have an acute toothache, try to visit the dentist as soon as possible, preferably on the same day. This will help you avoid unnecessary worries, costs and start treatment in time.